
Links and resources for "Computational Asymmetries in Robust Classification".

For ICML 2023 attendants: you can also find me at Poster Session 4 on Wednesday!


Why do adversarial attacks fool adversarial defenses? It turns out that adversarial attacks are NP-hard problems, while adversarial defenses are Sigma2P-hard (which is much harder).

However, some types of defenses (i.e. inference-time defenses) are not only not affected by this asymmetry, but they can even flip it. For example, we introduce a very simple defense, Counter-Attack (CA), which runs an adversarial attack on the input and rejects if it the found adversarial is too close. CA is NP-hard, but fooling a model defended by CA is Sigma2P-hard!

Finally, we study what happens when we replace exact attacks (e.g. MIPVerify) with heuristic attacks (e.g. Carlini & Wagner, PGD…). It turns out that pools of adversarial attacks are very reliable approximations of exact attacks, which means that they can be used by not only CA, but also potentially other defenses.

We also release a new dataset, UG100, containing both exact and heuristic adversarial attacks computed on a subset of the MNIST and CIFAR10 datasets (under MIT license).

arXiv Paper

ICML 2023 poster and video presentation

Medium post explaining the paper

GitHub repo

UG100 dataset